From - With reference to home Endorsment dated 9th Instant forwarding Correspondences from Government Central Provinces relating to acting allowanceste be drawn by officers thrown out of employ be the Mutinies - Observes that as the Civil Auditor fort William has passed, under his own construction of the Rules of 28th August /57 the salaries and depentaion and local allowences of several officers appertaining to Oude and Behar who were so situated up to a certain peroid or to the date of their re employment if within that period , so that they should not any lossin the allowances they were eceiving before the outbreak the Presdenes in Council well not disturb the decirion now.

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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000002003339
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 19 Mar., No. 56
Location NA
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File Size NA
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Call Number NA
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Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
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