Secretary - In reply to letter No. 1901 dated 26 November 1857 states that the duties of the oriental transtator to Government are to translete draft act and act of the Government of India into Marathee and Goozerathee to translate into English native petition and latter received by the Government and to translate into the native languages replies to petition and notice issued by Heads of public officers the present incombent has lately been appointed acting Secretary to the Civil 1 Military examination committee and also as Secretary to the control communication for vervacular and departmental examines but the duty of these two appointing do not belong to the office of oriental translator as supposed by no Ricketts when be work the report whcih is embodied on a plant letter of this date No. 193 nor is it probable that the person selected as want fit to that office would always be eligible for station the above duties sufficently # the time of the ttranstation who purpoms them satisfac

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