To Officiating Superintendent of Marine - Desires that the following instrnctines be given to the Commander of the Vessels proceeding with Troops to Hong Kong the `Sydney` and `Sesostris` after landing the Troops at Hong Kong should return immeding unless required to remain there by H.E. the Naval Commander in Chief H. the `Sydney` on her return meets with the `Tubal Cain` either at Singapore or between Singapore and Hong Kong landed the head quarters of the 47th N.I. at Hong Kong the `Sydney` should then return with the `Tubal Cain` in tow direct to Calcutta, the `Sesostris` on being cost off by the `Sydney` should make the best of her way to port blair, and remain there as a guard or there Ship under the orders of the Superintendent Dr.J.P. Walker, for the present If the `Sydney` and `Sesostris` on their return from `Hong Kong do not fall in with the `Tubal Cain` the `Sydney` will tow the `Sesostris` to Post Blair and having left her there proceed direct to Calcutta - The Commanders

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Identifier PR_000002002152
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 9 Apr., No. 99
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