Telegram - To Secretary - Mr.Samuells reports that # Danglas began to oross the ganges yesterday morning at sench ghant, and that all was quiet throughout the country - Foer Sing entrenching himself at Jugdespore. Casealtiesin the affair of the 23rd one hundred and two of H.Ms 35th dead and missing # of bengal naval Brigade dead and unnounded, one Sesjeans and three gemmes of Artillery dead and missing one havildar and nine silhs killed and fine wounded -to Mountain train # spiked an abandaned ten Elephant Engield Ammunition, tents and Baggagelost caption Legrand, Lieut.masseg and Dr.clarke of H.Ms.35th killed and Lieut waller ofthe Seikh battalion Slightly wounded - The `Shannon` naval brigade are at Sassoran, Shrgottyand Gya. the Indian Navy Brigade under Duval at Gya mones on the Patna `Candia` in with Engish Mail.

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Identifier PR_000002001247
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 30 Apr., No. 69
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