Read a despatch from the honble Court of directors No 158 of 2857 dated 30th Dectmber intimating appointment of the undermentioned persons members of the Civil Service on the Bengal Establishment with the rank expressed in their respective Certificate viz. Mr.Charles Edward Bernard. Mr.George Robert Elomie. Mr.George Leehis Lang. Mr.John Barnet Craigie. Mr.Albert Champion Mangles. Mr.Heury Laurence oliphant. Mr.james Broadwood Lyall. Mr.Leslie Segmour Saunders. Mr.Trevor John Chrichley Grant. Mr.James Augustus Graham. Mr.Warren Hastings D`Oyly. Para. 2. Mr. Charles Grant and Mr.S.C. Probyn Permitted to return to thir duty onthe Bengal Civil Establishment. Para.3. Pemission Granted to remain in England on Medical Certificate to the underment. Mr.H.N. Hammond for six Months. Mr.Couths Trotter for six Months. Mr.C.A. Daniell for six Months. Mr.H.R.Russell for six Months Extension of leave. Para 4. Mr.G.A. Paxton permitted to resign the Civil Service.

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Identifier PR_000002004756
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