Read a Despatch No. 80 of 1859, dated the 11th August from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, referring to his Despatch No. 36 of 1859, dated the 31st March wherein this Government, was advised of the receipt of Pound 4,900.18.11 on account of the savings of Collies returing to India, by the Ship Morayshire, and forwarding copy of a from the Colonial Office, with in enclosures bringing to notice the delay that has occurred on repaying to the Coolies the sums deposited by them in the Treasury at Trinedad. Communicates observations and requests that in future the instruction of the Court of Directors on this head, communicated in then Pulic Despatch No. 17 dated the 28th January 1857, may be strictly adhered to. Forwards also copy of a correspondence that has taken place in England, respecting the Transmission of the savings of Coolie Emigration and requests to be favored with any remarks this Government may have to make on the subject.

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