From Secretary - With reference to the call made in the 2 para dated 4th May last submits the Report of the Commissioner of Arracan alluded to in Bengal letter dated 13th idem in the proposal for removing the Hills Tracts of Chittagong from the Jurisdiction of the regular Courts, with the opinion of the Lieut. Governor in favor of the measure that it may be necessary not to leave wholly in the hands of the Chief some portions of the Hills bordering the Plain Country & if a portion is taken in hand it should be administered some what after the Santhal System the administration of the rest of the country being left entirely on the Hands of Hill Chief under the General Supervision of a Superintendent who should insist upon the people over the plains practically our subjects, being defended from the in road of more distant savages and being prevented from making roads themseleves. Recommends therefore that the Hill Tracts of the Chittagong Districts be taken from the operation of the

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Identifier PR_000001998218
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 12 Aug., No. 65 - 67
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