Superintendents Electric Telegraph - In reply to letter of 27th November submits his opinion as to the expediency of introducing English Telegraphic Instruments oin the Masras Railway Lines. Thinks it paramount importance that a uniform system should be adpoted by the Government and the Railway Companies and for this and other reasons recommends adoption by the letter of the Indian Instruments with certain inprovements which he has alreasy effected. Pattern of the improved Instruments will be forwarded to the Government and if adopted by the Railway Authorities they ever be manufactured in Agra at a co Maximum Cost of Rs. 10 a set. Pattern of a newalarin Instrument well suited for Railway purposes will also be forwarded. Submits his opinion also on the following points discussed in the Madras papers # . The weight of the wires to be used, the adoption of single or double lines and the insulation of Wires.

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Branch Public
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Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000001992561
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 21 Dec., No. 166
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File Size NA
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Accession Number NA
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Year of Publication NA
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