To Governor of Straits Settlements - Acknowledges receipt of above in which it is proposed to expend Rs. 11000 during the ensuing year in grants to the different Schools an d Rs. 2000 in employing persons to make translations of useful works into the Viruacular. States why Government would not be justified in authorizing the expenditure of the above large Amount for Educational purposes # is it considered expedient to encourage the teaching of Chinese as a Virnacular language in the Straits where Malay is the natural Virnacular but would Coutribute towards the support of female Schools in order to raise the standard of Education in English and would also promote Veremcular # and sanction grants in aid of such schools at which some fee could be taken from the Schools Requests a revised scale of grants in aid in accordance with the above Virus.

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Identifier PR_000001992432
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 14 Sep., No. 73
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