To Superintendent Electric Telegraph - In reply to letter dated 6th Ultimo observes that as it was by an oversight that the Bengal Chamber of Commerce was not charged for messages of Overland News sent by them as Private Messages, a settlement of the Amount due should be obtained from them. Points out that only such Meassages for the Chamber, as form part of the Government Messages and are subject to Publication, can be sent free with immediate and prefermtial despatch. Directs that Portion of the Government Message from Bombay which is prepared from information given by Agents of the Bengal or Madras Chamber of Commerce might as suggested by him be limited to 160 words no message public or private to be detained at any Telegraph Office for any other Measage not sent in a state fit for Transmission.

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Identifier PR_000001990809
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 10 Aug., No. 124
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