Superintendant Electric Telegraph - Draws attention to the circumstances attendant upon two interraplaions which have taken place within the last 10 days on the line between Allahabad & Calcutta. Recommends that the salary of Mr. Bernard, Senior Signaller at Benares be raised from 75 to 100 Rs. per month & that Mr. Shipp, acting # superintendant be confirmed in his appointment thinks that Mr. F. Muller James an Acting Sub Inspector & Mr. W. Shuldham the Head Assistant in charge at Mungalpore should be adjudged to pay the expenses incurred in dispatching Babor Sib Chunder Nundy from # to Mungulpore to as certain the cause of interraption & that they should be warned that in the next officer of the Kind they will be dismissed.

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Identifier PR_000001990260
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 19 Jan., No. 217 - 220
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