Officiating Superintendant - Reports that the average cost of construction of a single permanent him of overground Telegraph in India may be estinated at Rs. 500 per saile including the furnishing of an Ofice at every hundred miles and the cost of maintenance including establishment of guards and Contingent charges for repairs maybe estinated at Rs. 25 per will poamum the cost of establishment and contingenious for the working of an ordinary office on the line ranges betaccn 250 and 300 rs per month while at large Office on the line whose branches join the mainline the charges very from 500 to 1000 rs per month in proposition to the amount of local business transacted with regard to a Telegraphic Cable to connect Ceylon with the main land of india Dr. Oshanghnessy has enable him to state that its maximum cost will be 250 per mkile and that if authorized to he will supply one from england at the lonert puse at which it can be procured.

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Identifier PR_000001988142
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 11 Apr., No. 146
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