From - With refer to Have Extract No. 155 dated the 21st August last regarding the transmission of the meney sewing of Coolies returning of India frm the West Indies observes that the - Indian Government ought not to be subjected to loss from the adjustment difference of cate per Doller, but that other the Emigrant must be made to pay of the safe remitt and of his money to India or the Coloneat Governmentought to bear the loss of exchange If the colonial Governmnt cannot be enduced to bear the loss the optin he left to the Emigrant to take # at he unfaverable rate or to make over his money to the charge of the captain of the vessel in the mainer propored by the Bengal Government or keep it in his on possission or for the Governmetn to remit the saving in specie at the expence of government & by this last arrangement the savings of Emigrants could be canveyed at a modicate rate of freight int he shi8p chartered for the conveyance of coolies caning loss to the Emigrant than by the existi

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Identifier PR_000001983239
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