Captain S. Grenfell R. N Secretary officer th4e Straits of Malacca - Advises of the arrival yesterday ao brnoon of the assestance with 637 of the 82nd & after coaling storts for Calcutta on the 30th of having sent the S. F. Turvus with R. Cornurant to Java Head to lookout for & brought there to melvlle on Puneess Charlotte but to tuhe on baord their troops going to Calcutta direct sending the ship ther in roule to Hong Kong of five gun hoats having gone to Hong Kong too more coning in & thankly that the rest will raprdly arrive of the arrival of the irench trigate Andaciense with Baron board groson & states that troops will be sent on with all speed.

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Identifier PR_000001982077
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 16 Oct., No. 73
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