To Board - In reply. Approves the transfer of the Boat No. 59 to the Judicial Department authorized to write off the sums specified in 3rd Column of Statement and to the Commercial Department sale proceeds of the Boat adverted to in Para 5 and the removal from the Books of 2400 Rs. ( item No. 65) also the proposed transfer of the cost of the Ship Margaret & Frances to the Bombay Government - not necessary to debit the Penang Residency with the cost of the Nereide. The Resident at Singapore will called upon for a return of all Vessels and Boats under that Government the proposition in Para 9 for the adjustment of the cost of 14 Boats approved necessary communication will be made to the Post Master General. Sanction the measure proposed in Para 10 and authorizes the entry on the Books of the Naval Store Keeper the cost of the several Vessels referred to in Para 11th to the debits mentioned in statement 6. The Board to refer to the Private Secretary for information regarding the 2 Boats m

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Identifier PR_000001920507
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 19 Apr., No. 28.
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