To Secretary Cylon - Acknowledges the foregoing states that the G. G. in C. is unable altogher to concur with the Ceylon Government in the opinion that the interest of ceylon in the proposed line is limited to the 72th Miles between Columbo and Calle and would not be furthered by its extension to the Mainland of India bu is milling to admit that the great measure of advantage may be expected to accrue to India and undeer this circumstance H. L. in C. is disposed to ascede to the proposal that the expense of constgructing the line as far as the Western Coast of th Island of Mamaar shall be borne by the Government of India Sets forte in detail the plan and conditions on which under this arrangement it is proposed to constiment and work the line.

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Identifier PR_000001965256
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Aug., No. 100
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