Syerdool misse Begum Widow of the latge Nawab Fortteh oollah Beg Khan of Delohie - Petition against the decision of the Lieutt. Governor N. W. P. confirming the order of the agent at Delhi declaminig to recognize her claim to a moiety of the Pension allowed to her lkate hasband on the ground of her inability to prove her right to the some and on the alleged ground of her having successed to proporty to a large amount left by the decrased. Submits her ojbections to the grounds of objection urged by the agent states that her late husband property has been sold to pay the delts left by him and Expresses her readiness to - any property which on enquiry may be forthcoming advents to certain precedeate precedents and adds that as she is now 65 years of age she will probably line but a short time to enjoy the Pension if granted to her.

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Identifier PR_000001958058
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 18 Jul., No. 50
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File Size NA
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Year of Publication NA
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