To Board In reply Concurring in their opinon as Cotained in their first letter of the 12th Ultimo with the remarks and observation of the Vice President in Council thereon observes that there are no sufficient Ground for adopting the suggestion of the Master Attendent that the members of the Pilot Service be required to have recourse exclusively to the medical Attendent of the Marine surgeons their observations respecting Log Books and certificates approved No objection to the employment of as many of the Arecan Flats as may be necessary the report for the Hull Furniture Master yards ect. of Pilot Vessels to be furnished by the Master Attendent the Proposed formation of a committee to report on the Equipment ect of the Vessels approved Commoddore Hayes not to be restricted from Authorizing unimportant decrations from the Fixid rule as regards theri sailing appearance ect but to report the same to their Board the rule regarding the infliction of Corporal punishment on Board Pilo

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