From Government Printing Committee - In reply. State that the reduction made in the Table of Printing Rates forwarded by the Military Orphan Society is 30 per cent but under circumstances within stated. Recommend that for the present the discount on the extra copies be not insisted on and the expedience of requiring it be made to depend upon what the experience of a year shall show to be the case. To prevent the Gazette exceeding 3 Sheets suggest the expediency of ordering such of the Public Functionaries as send Notifications to the Press to direct how many times and at what intervals they shall be repeated and that the Insolvent Court Notices be abridged. Will hereafter reply to letter of 24th January regarding the possibility of dispensing with the Presses attached to the Offices of the Kings & Companys Adjutant Generals.

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Identifier PR_000001933302
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 26 Jun., No. 67.
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