From Board - On the report of the Civil Finance Committee relative to the Marine Pensions point out the mistakes made by the Committee in their calcutations. Submit statements showing the state of the Fund which will meet the demands for about 4 years longer, after which the call on Government will be to suply the difference between the contributions of the Pilots and the disbursements on account of Pensions. The Pilots will then have maintained the Fund for 11 years without the Aid of Government. Reasons for not proposing a Scheme for upholding the Fund by a monthly Subscription. Suggest that the principle laid down in Mr. Lushingtons letter of 24th October 1822 be adhered to. Submit a Memorial from the Members of the Pilot Service praying tha the Pensionary allowance to their Femalte Orphans which now ceases on their obtaining the age of 21 years may be continued until they are married or otherwise provided for.

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Identifier PR_000001931166
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 29 Nov., No. 2.
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Year of Publication NA
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