To Board - In reply - Approves the proposition for employing the Honble Company Steamers as Tugs the reduction in their Establishments etc with the Exception of the Euterprize also the reduction of ten Row Boats of the existing Establishment. The reduction of the Pilot Vessels to be hereaftee # Remarks regarding the Department to which Steamers are to be charge when employed. The furnish a reprot on certain points connected with the Marein Survey Department. Two of the surveying Vessels to be disposed of one to be retained until further order. The Brig Brougham to be retained for Service on the Arracan Coast But the Helen to be reduced immediately on the transfer of the Troops to Kyook Phioo.

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Identifier PR_000001915053
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 22 May, No. 27
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