To Board - In reply to the above letters dated the 11th, 14th, and 18th. Instant. Their suggestion for employing 3 Peons between Chinsurah and Hoogly authorized and approved. sanctions the revised establishment submitted by the Deputy Post Master at Sylhet for the conveyance of Mails between that Station and Dacca. as also the future permanent charge of the modified arrangement for the Post Office establishment there. Sanctions the grant of Neusion of 15 Rs. per month to Mr. D. Souza attached to the Bhaugulpore Post Office and authorizing the entertainment of a Writer in his stead at 20 Rs. per month the Dawk runners under the Bhaugulpore Post Office to be allowed the same rate of pay as received by the runners in the adjouring Districts. and sanctions the estimate submitted by the Deputy Post Master Jubbulpore for crossing the Mails repairing the Post Office, and making new Wallets amounting to sum of Rs. 880- The Deputy Post Master at Indore authorized to construct a new Post Office

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