Accountant General In reply to orders of the 11th instant relative to the Arrangement for the adquate discharge of the duties now required form the Acconntant in the Marine Department recommends in prefernce to Abstract that the original Bills be sent direct to the Marine Accountant to the Marine Pay Master that an encrease of salary and addtional native assistants to the amount of 231 Rs. per mensem be added to the establishement of the Marine Accountant in the mannner specified and that the Establishment of the Board be revised also forwards on original letter from Mr. Dawling claining remuneration for lhis labours which have greatly encreased by the late arrangemnts recommends an additonal allowance to the indivbidual by which he net encrease of the Marine Establishment will amount to 381 rupees per mensem.

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Identifier PR_000001911860
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Nov., No. 67 & 69
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