To College Council - In reply senctioning an advance of 1000 Rs. to any student who on his arrival here may reqiurs pecuriary assistants on the Conditions specificed the limitation of 8 months to studennnts astheperiod of at Aachment to the College unnicessary the proposal for allowining students to proced to the Interior for qualifying themselues inthe preserilied Languages deemed inexpedient the measure of preparing a new chapter for revising & consolidating the College statuts sactioned their recommendation for any addition to the salaries fo Professors cannot be complied with but will recommedn to the Court of Dirctors to raise their Secretartubg sakart from 800 to 1000 Rs, per month with abservations as to the neccssity of taking measures for repressing haluts of Extiawagauce in the juonir Civil Servants.

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Identifier PR_000001905831
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 23 Jun., No. 31
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File Size NA
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Year of Publication NA
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