Surveyor General - In conformity to orders of the 19th February surgests measures for the disposal of the young men who were lately attached to Captain Gerards surveyr of the cedded Districts - recommend in case his suggestion be addopted that they be instructed tojoin Lieut. Herbert the surveyor of sirmore, & that they be furnished with the necessary Frvelling convemences etc. In of opinion that the young men should retain the Instruments intheir possission and that Lt. Gerard should send toe the office of the Surveyor General such original Field Books, Drawings etc. as he may have observes that a certificate of the last issued of allowanes to the allowances to the young men should accompany them - recommends also that the two apprenties lately employed in the sunderbunds, survey be attached to Lieut. Buxton the surveyor of Cuttack, & that simibar Orders as in the instacne of the other opprentices be isued in their case bikeise - Solicits that Lieut. Buxton & his assistant be permitte

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Identifier PR_000001897979
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 16 Jul., No. 27-29
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