Commissioner - In reply to the Draft of a letter annexed to the letter of the 4th Dcember - relative to Secretarys allowance & his assistants - Recommends that six Writers be appointed fom Europe & sent to Bengal for the Benept of the College, & that in the mean time six Boys from the Orphan School be sent to serve as assistants to the Secretary & accountant & to be promoted herecafter to the Station of Surveyors of Pepper Gardens; if such cannot be had to engage as may Portugace to go round as Monthly Writers - Enclsoes three Statements reative to the Establishment & Salaries of Companys servants fro the conduct of the public Business - deseription of Servants who may be permitted to engage in Commercial pursircts. Attention will be paid to the orders for a Code of Regulations and a Geographical desiription of the compnay`s Possisions Enquiry will be made for two persons properly qualified to teach the Malay Language - Mr. Young permotted to proceed to join the College & recommends M

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