Letter from Capt. J. Price giving an account of the movements of the ships Royal Charlotte and Resolution after their return to Madras from their dangerous trip to Mootepelle reporting that he has victualled the ships up to 31st August so that they may be in constant readiness for active service at an hour s notice transmitting his accounts with the vouchers for stores and provision ssupplied to the ships with the abstracts of wages for the month of January and February which have been advanced to the crews of both ships intimating that he has drawn two sets of bills of exchange one for 12,000 pagodas and the other for 8,000 pagodas and enclosing a statement of the short weight of the beef salted atBengal.

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Identifier PR_000001714319
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C. 16 Aug. No.11
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