No. F.36(146)-Ex.I/32, dated the 26th July 1932, shall not debar the permanent non-pensioinable staff who are entitled to Service Gratuity under the State Railway Gratuity Rules, from counting the period of leave granted prior to retirement as qualifying service for purpose of gratuity; and that the increments in their substantive posts, which such staff would have earned during such leave if the posts had not been abolished and if they had retained liens in those posts, shall be taken into account in calculating the amount of their gratuity.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency Finance Department
Branch Expenditure - I
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Identifier PR_000001532950
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. Progs., Nos. 24(3)Ex-I,1935(B)

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