In reply to this letter no 1783 of the 31 july last.Submits , for Consideration , Coopy letter from the officiating Commissary of ordnace Expense magzine , together with a Bill amouting after Correction, to Cost Rupees 369,3-1 drawn by Condr, f. fax , for diffrence of Pay and allowances from 12th july to 10May 1848. between his present Rank and that of a Depy Assistt. Commissary of Ordance while in charge of the Expense magazine , state that this Bill is supported by the requisite Voucher and similar Claims have been an serveral occasions sanctioned as the latest president refrence to officiating secy major sturts letter of the 3-april ,1846, and there forc recomend that it may be passed by Government.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency Military
Branch Military
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000000776503
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 142
Location NA
Part No. C
File Size NA
Pages NA
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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