Keywords | Railway, Stock, Board, Approval, Baroda, India, Designs, Foreign, Letter, Cases |
Ministry/ Department/ Residency | Foreign |
Branch | Internal-B |
From Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1913 |
To Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1913 |
Source Organization | NA |
Identifier | NAIDLF00312656 |
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. | Progs. No 25; January 1913 |
Location | R-3 |
Part No. | NA |
File Size | 5.0 MB |
Pages | 7 |
Call Number | NA |
Publisher | NA |
Subject | Omission of the Baroda Darbar to obtain the prevision sanction of govt to the designs of the rolling stock indented for the Miyagam sinor Railway from a Calcutta form the Darbar requested to obtain such sanction before ordering in future any rolling stock from outside firms. |
Creator | NA |
Accession Number | NA |
Series | NA |
Year of Publication | NA |
Language | English |
Bundle Barcode | NAIDLB00025666 |
Location Code | 0 |
File Barcode | NAIDLF00312656 |
QC Certificate No. | QC_20250119DL |
Bundle No. | 1066 |