Mr. Harry Katz, am American citizen representing Sinex Corporation, New York,now in India . Request for withdrawal of funds alleged to have been blockedby the Reserve Bank of India — [Investigations by the Reserve Bank of Indiaof his financial transactions . Alleged refusal by the Bombay police of Mr.Katz's exit permit - General qnestion raised by the U.S. Embassy whether insuch.cases it is the policy of the Reserve Bank of India to tie up fundswithout institution of legal proceedings.

Keywords mr,bank,india,ministry,katz,reserve,bombay,letter,new,may
Ministry/ Department/ Residency ministry of external affairs
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF00551456
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. File No. F - 46 - 4-49- AMS
Location R-4
Part No. NA
File Size 128.7 MB
Pages 139
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject Mr. Harry Katz, am American citizen representing Sinex Corporation, New York,now in India . Request for withdrawal of funds alleged to have been blockedby the Reserve Bank of India — [Investigations by the Reserve Bank of Indiaof his financial transactions . Alleged refusal by the Bombay police of Mr.Katz's exit permit - General qnestion raised by the U.S. Embassy whether insuch.cases it is the policy of the Reserve Bank of India to tie up fundswithout institution of legal proceedings.
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00031066
Location Code 0
File Barcode NAIDLF00551456
QC Certificate No. QC_20241023DL
Bundle No. 3

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