Keywords | agency,civil,section,india,political,courts,code,procedure,government,court |
Ministry/ Department/ Residency | Foreign and Political |
Branch | Internal |
From Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1926 |
To Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1927 |
Source Organization | NA |
Identifier | NAIDLF00325221 |
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. | File No 159-I |
Location | R-3 |
Part No. | NA |
File Size | 74.6 MB |
Pages | 35 |
Call Number | NA |
Publisher | NA |
Subject | Delegation of authority to the Agent to the Governor Generalin the States of Western India and the Secretary to theAgent to the Governor General in the States of WesternIndia to exercise in the Western India States Agency withrespect to the Ruling Princes and Chiefs in the said Agencythe functions assigned by sub-sections (1); (2) and (3) ofsection 86 of the Civil Procedure Code to the GovernorGeneral in Council and a Secretary to the Government ofIndia; respectively. |
Creator | NA |
Accession Number | NA |
Series | NA |
Year of Publication | NA |
Language | English |
Bundle Barcode | NAIDLB00025942 |
Location Code | 0 |
File Barcode | NAIDLF00325221 |
QC Certificate No. | QC_20241106DL |
Bundle No. | 1338 |