Resident in Travancore and Cochin to Iform M. Re Ry 2 oN. Krishne ‘Atyar; ‘lonorery ‘Secretary Maeda kendha Reading nooks through the Cochin Darbar; thet Hisixeellenoy ine Governor in Council ie cig received with pleasurethe resolution ae the Asscoiation convey ing an expres of gratitude on neeoune of ‘the grant of salute of ie guns:to His Highness the Raja of Cochin and that the resolution cSwill be transmitted to the proper quarter.

Keywords Public, Majesty, State, Political, Cochin, Department, Krishna, Secretary, Resolution, Neelakandha
Ministry/ Department/ Residency MADRAS RESIDENCY
Branch Political
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF01303075
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. G.O.No.81-82
Location R-3
Part No. NA
File Size 11.5 MB
Pages 15
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject Resident in Travancore and Cochin to Iform M. Re Ry 2 oN. Krishne ‘Atyar; ‘lonorery ‘Secretary Maeda kendha Reading nooks through the Cochin Darbar; thet Hisixeellenoy ine Governor in Council ie cig received with pleasurethe resolution ae the Asscoiation convey ing an expres of gratitude on neeoune of ‘the grant of salute of ie guns:to His Highness the Raja of Cochin and that the resolution cSwill be transmitted to the proper quarter.
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00053295
Location Code 0
File Barcode NAIDLF01303075
QC Certificate No. QC_20241128DL
Bundle No. 126

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