Draft of a letter to the Board of Trade intimating that the rent of Mr. Kier`s house and godowns is sicca rupees 1,500 per month, and that they will assign the house to the Board of Trade from the 4th instant, refusing their request for the use of the whole of the old fort, approving of the sending to Fort St. George only that quantity of saltpetre sufficient for the charter-party tonnage of one ship, informing the Board of Trade that they are not authorized to freight vessels on the Company`s account without directions from the Governor General and Council, and that the treaties lately concluded will in no manner affect the Company`s commercial interests, fixing the despatch of the Salisbury for the 19th November, stating that orders have been given to the Chief and Council at Dinagepore to supply the Resident at Malda with sonaut rupees, desring an indent for the stationery required, and enclosing two letters from the Company`s agent at Madeira.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency Home
Branch Public
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000000481868
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 25 Sep., No. 5
Location NA
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File Size NA
Pages 7
Call Number NA
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Accession Number NA
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Year of Publication NA
Bundle Barcode NA
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File Barcode NA