Differences between Bansawara and Kushalgarh Chiefs. Attack on the Thanah of Kalinjra by the son of the Rao of Kushalgarho P.7.Attachment of villages in Rutlam held by the Kushal Garh Chief .P. 11.17.21. Secy of State's Despatches- P.37.55 and 80. Kushal Garh's Vlaim to be Independent of Banswara major Nixon's Explanaion in the Kushal Garh Dispute Release of Kooshal Garh villages under attachment complaints against Rao of Kushal Garh by Maharawal of Banswar relations between Banswara and the Rao of Kushal Garh.

Keywords Agent, Banswarra, Political, Letter, Kooshulgurh, General, State, Governor, Would, Meywar
Ministry/ Department/ Residency RAJPUTANA STATE AGENCY/RESIDENCY
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF00974193
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. File No. I-Banswara Vol-I
Location R-3
Part No. Vol-I
File Size 245.4 MB
Pages 322
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject Differences between Bansawara and Kushalgarh Chiefs. Attack on the Thanah of Kalinjra by the son of the Rao of Kushalgarho P.7.Attachment of villages in Rutlam held by the Kushal Garh Chief .P. 11.17.21. Secy of State's Despatches- P.37.55 and 80. Kushal Garh's Vlaim to be Independent of Banswara major Nixon's Explanaion in the Kushal Garh Dispute Release of Kooshal Garh villages under attachment complaints against Rao of Kushal Garh by Maharawal of Banswar relations between Banswara and the Rao of Kushal Garh.
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00028056
Location Code 0
File Barcode NAIDLF00974193
QC Certificate No. QC_20241121DL
Bundle No. 675

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