Svadesa. Vijayanka., Bhaga 3, Sankhya 38-39. Gorakhapura (Benares printed): Svadesa Presa, 1981 [1924]. Special Dussera festival issue of the nationalist weekly celebrating 'Vijaya dasami' the victory of Rama over Ravana, good over evil, and by implication the coming victory of the Indian people over the British government. Contains poems, stories, playlets and articles on nationalist, social and political themes. Edited by the Hindi novelist Pandeya Bacan Sarma 'Ugra'.

Ministry/ Department/ Residency NA
Branch NA
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Series Foreign Acquisition
Source Organization NA
Identifier MF_222400020424
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS NOS 1023
Location Microfilm Repository
Part No. NA
File Size 332.1 MB
Pages 55
Collection Microfilms
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject Publications Proscibed by the Govt of India
Creator NA
Accession Number 4801
Series NA
Year of Publication 1924
Language Hindi
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA