Today's Radio Report Pakistan - controlled Broadcasts Asadha 21-22-1880July 12-13-1958To enable the various miristries of the Govt. of India to see at a glance the parts in Today radio report of special valure to them each paragraph or feature shows at the end the name of the relevant ministries likely to be interested 1 Home News 4 survey is being carried put for the renovation of two thousand - mile long doastal embankments will protect 3000 sq miles from saline water brought in by tidal waves the water waases away crops and leaves the land unfit for cultivation2. The east pakistan governor Mr sultanuddin ahmed yesterday inaugurated a navigation company in dacca floated with and intial capital of five crores of rupees

Keywords Pakistan, Radio, Kashmir, English, Government, People, Affairs, Yesterday, External, Movement
Ministry/ Department/ Residency All India Radio
Branch NULL
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF00353267
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. S. No.112. July 12-13
Location R-4
Part No. NA
File Size 55.9 MB
Pages 17
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00033208
Location Code 0
File Barcode NAIDLF00391244
QC Certificate No. QC_20241114DL
Bundle No. 37

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