(I) Southern Railway:- The question of exempting Shri N. Khaleel Ahmed, Ty. AEN who already underwent General Course as a Class II officer and the grant of first advance increment. (II) Central Railway:- Advance increment to Shri O.P. Kakar, Temporary A.E.N. who was exempted from Staff College course on the basis of training in the previous spell of service as Ty. AEN. Decided (I) (a) Serving Class II Officers who have already undergone the three months General Course at Rly. Staff College, Baroda should on being appointed as Ty. Asstt. Engineer, be exempted from attending Staff College Baroda House. (b) The advance inrement to Ty. AENs should be regulated as follows. i) In the event of training being wholly exempted and the officer utilised against working post straightway, the first and second advance increments should be allowed at the end of 18 weeks and 36 weeks service respectively subject to his work being satisfactory. ii) In the event of practical training being remitted in part, the first advance increment should be granted on completion of 18 weeks service. (II) Shri O.P. Kakar, Temporary Assistant Engineer who was exemted to undergo training as Ty. AEN on the basis of his previous spell of service as Ty. AEN has, however, been allowed the first advance increment on the date on which he was actually given change of the working post

Keywords J.P. Sharma
Sardari Lal
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Ministry of Railway
Branch Establishment Gazetted Recruitment II
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_211200057005
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. E/P/63RC2-6/1-9
Location Repository-4
Part No. NA
File Size 23.1 MB
Pages 33
Collection Digitized Public Records
Ministry of Railway
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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