1. Reduction in the expenditure of the General Government account of retrenchment in 1931-1932. 2. Filling of posts now lying vacant and appointments substantively.3. Restriction on fresh commitments or contractors. 4. Selection of personal for retrenchment and retrenchment in expenditure. 5. Officiating appointments in permanent vacancies in posts outside time-scale or in selection grades. 6. Emergency cut in salaries. 7.Retrenchment terms for Government sarvents discharged in consequence of the present need for retrenchment. 8. Cut in pay of officers on contract. 9. Application of the temporary cut in pay to cases when the pay of post has been reduced owing to the need for retrenchment. 10. Retenchment concessions. 11. Provision for gratuity, leavs salary and travelling allowance of retenchment personnal. 12. Question of taking war service into consideration when salecting parsonnel for retrenchment. 13. Reduction in Hanoraria fees. 14. Position of the verious communities in the services under Government of India as a result of the reduction of the staff. 15. Passage concessions to retrenched parsonnel. 16, Application of the emergency cut in to pay to Government servants in foreign service. 17. Re-employment of retrenched personnel in the clerical and other staff of offices under the Finance and Political Department. 18. Effect of Emergency cut in pay on advances admissible under Article 155 to 159 of Civil Account Code Volume I. 19. Admissibility of the temporary increase of Pension to Pensioners in respect of in inferior pansions under retechment concessions. 20 Retrenchment concessions admissible to Government servants who have attained the account of Supremustion

Keywords Finance Department
Mr. J.A.O. Fitzpatrick, Punjab
Court of Nepal
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Punjab Hill State Agency-Residency
Branch Accounts
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000004013247
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. A-54/31
Location Repository-3
Part No. NA
File Size 466.6 MB
Pages 333
Collection Digitized Public Records
Punjab Hill State Agency-Residency
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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