From H. S. Smith Esquire - Honarary Secretary Industrial Art Society - With reference to letter dated 14th Instant informs that the loss sustained by the Society on the suspension of the Government order is Rs. 1867.11.8 & that the Photographer will forego his claim for compensation on account of breach of contract on being paid Rs. 700 which he is justty entitled to - Hopes that Government will discharge these sums - which added to the amount paid by & one from Government for Photographs delivered will aggregate Rs. 5767.11.8. It this proposal be rejected submits that the photographic demand be satisfied & he discharged the prepils competing the order, by which Government will remain 1690 Photographs at a Cost Rs. 7160 - Explain circumstances under which he had arranged with Dr. Murrary to print his photographs & if permitted to continue the peinting requests authority of Government to print only such of Dr. Murrary negatives as are worthe printing & to reject such as

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