From Acting Secretary - With reference to letter dated 12 May last, explains the circumstances under which the passings per Henry Morre were detained a few days on board Ship until accommodation could be provided for them at an Island near the Shore the others stations being already occupied by Imnigrants under quarantive ( Which ended is very questimable ) their health & bodily comforts are # cared for by Government and reports have theron that when removed from quarantive they are always in far better condition than when taken from the Ship - The explanation furnished will it is hoped be satisfactory to his Government and as every effect had been made to ensure the comfort, health and accommodation of the coolies per Henry Morre condemus the tone & language of the letter of the agents of the Vessels & of the Captain also - & considers the terms of the 3 & 4 paras of the agents letter wholy # they therefore merit rebuke which it is hoped they will not fail to receive.

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