Superintendent Geological Survey - With reference to the intention of Government when extending the museum of Geology and placing it under his contral to accommodate it in the buildings of the Col. Nuiversity and to the other arrangements for its aeneral management by the Professor of geology aided by a Curator during the absence of the Superintendent states that by the transfer of Liebeg to the Mint and by Mr.Piddington having declined to take any share in teh arrangements, the entire and varied duties of the Government Museum devoued on the officers of the suvey even that of delivering lectures (Per formed by Mr. Blandford in 1856/57) without any additional remuneration and as the professsorship of Geology in the presidency College has been done away with, he ahs in anticipation of the Sanction of Government placed Mr. Loftas one of the Assistant ofthe survey in Charge of the Museum and survey office and who will if required give instractions in Geology & either in the Presidency or

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Identifier PR_000002004296
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 19 Mar., No. 72
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