From - With reference to papers connected with a Memoral from Mrs.Regina Mac Cullam forwards for in formation and communication to the Calcutta Divecsan additinol Clergy Soeiety Copy of a Resohetion sanctioning a pension of Rupees 108 Per mensum or 1296 per annum tothe Mrs. regina Mac Cullum Widow and 2 children ofl the late Reverand J. Mac Callum of the Soeiety Poster of St Mary`s Chureh at Shajehanpore in the North West Provinces who was killed by the Mutineers on the 31 May last from which sum Rupees 500 per Annum will be deducted should it be proved that they are possessed of Pound1000.

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Identifier PR_000002003970
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 12 Mar., No. 47
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