Director General Post Office - Informs taht ordnance and other Stores are being despatched from Runeegunge by Bullock Train under the escort of parties of Recrints - the road between benares and Calcutta ar at present perfectly qinet apprehends that this securits, will not continue when the despatch of Troops altoy other ceases a large quantites of Private Goods are sent up without any escort that the officers of the army now in the field are put ot the greatest perspma inconvenience of rthe want ofthat portion of their baggage left behind proposes to allot 10 Carts for officers private Baggage and twenty two for public Stores- also suggests for a strong Mounted police on the Grand Trunk Road which will deter Dacoite for m attacking the Bullack Trai8n and private Carts.

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Identifier PR_000002003009
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 15 Jan., No. 120
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