Secretary - With reference to Home Department letter No 2033 date 22ed December last and to Courts Despatch date 4th November prceeding offering to place certain Records at ehr disposal of that Government states that such records will he of inestimable service to the administration, as almost the whole were destroyed at the aoubreak in July, and in aeccpting the offer requests that the papers he transmitted to allahabad without delay - under the impression that the Court`s offer had been aeccpted by the Chief Commander of Agra apper was made in his Letter date 9th Ultimo to forward by the overland route the Collectiory and Narratives of the last 4or 5 years - but only require the Revenue Board`s proceedings from July to December /54 the Business of that Government will be further grently facilitated if the set of weekly abstracts of proceedings sent to this Government were to be transferred to that Secretariat, as they would furnish a connected view of all neferences received and orde

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Identifier PR_000002002214
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 9 Apr., No. 51
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