From the Clerk - forwarding the following papers vizt 1 Proceedings of the legislative council on the 17th 21st and 24th Ultimo 2 Proceedings on the 17th Ultimo of the committee of the whole council on the following bills vizt bill for the maintenance of a police force for the port of Madras bill for the relief of persons who in consequence of the recent disturbances may have been prevented from instituting or persecuting suits or appeals in the Courts of the North Western Provinces within the period allowed by Law 3 Proceedings on the 21st Ultimo of the committee of the whole council on the bill to continue in force of ra further period of six months act IV of 1858 for providing for the exercise of certain powers by the Governor General during his absence from the Council of India 4 Proceedings on the 24th Ultimo of the Committee of the whole council on the following bills vizt bill to provide for the administration of the estate and for the payment of the debts of the late Nabob o

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