Telegram - From Secretary with - Reporting that the rebelsl near Shahjehanpore were attacked on the 24th and riven back to Mojhumdee which place has been taken by our Troops sune 200 fugitives from Culpee attempted to cross the Ganges tetween Sheorapore and Balwar But were attacked and despersed by the Zemindars of Pergurmah Resalabad, The Maulvie Liakut ally, ofallohold notoriety, has attacked and plandered Bilgram it is this man, and not the well Knoun Lyzabad Manlvie, ahmed Oollah Shih, who attacked and plemdered palic and Sandhee, a Subterraneous magagzine has been discovered in the fort of Calpees it contains 500 banels of powder, and immense quantities of ordnance Stores, In the town and Fort, four faundries and manugae tories of Cannon were descovered, and one 18 Pounder crass Gun, one brass 8 inch moter, and two trass 9 frounder guns - all made in the manufactories were frurd Col Robertson with a flying column from Calpee is follg up the rebels to the frontior of Shahaghur th

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