From Agent Hill Tracts of Orissa - Reports the amicable adjustment of a dispute of upwards of 20 years standing between the Rajah of Chinna Kewedy & his subordinate the Thaut Rajah of Guddapoor which at one time threatined to lead to a serious embroilment in the Hill Tracts of Chinna Kewedy - communicates particulars of the dispute with a view to bring to notice one of the principal abstractes for the suppression of female Infanticide in Boree Mootah of Sownpore the Khonds of which Mootah commit the crime & 10 cases were detected in Boree in 1857 and the guilty parties sentenced toconfinement with hard labor, which they are now undergoing but as the dispute has now been amicably adjusted & half the number of the criminals have died, solicits that the remaining portion of the confirnement of those still suffering be remitted.

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