Read a Despatch No. 62 of 1859, dated the 9th June, from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, replying to Narrative for the 1st quarter of 1859. - Para 5 - Approves, modification made in the Madras Rules for the examination of Junior Civil Servants and for granting honors, in order to assimilate them tot he reules on force at Calcutta. Para 13 - Notices Mr. Oldhams collictions in Europe for the Geological Museum at Calcutta. Para 25 - Regarding the temporary revival of the passport system in Madras. Para 26 - Abserves that the Magnetic Observations made by Major General Boilean, at Simla in 1853/54 /55 will be available in due course to the Director of the Rajah of Travancores Magnetic observatory at Tenandrum. Para 28 - Regarding the panic in Calcutta caused by the enactment of Act No. VI of 1858, for the empressment of lavor for the construction of Barracks.

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