Minute - In consequence of his departure to the Upper Provinces proposes that Mr. W.B.Bayley to be Vice President in Counicl and Deputy Governor until the 11th proximo when Sir C.T.Metcalfe Botanist will become Vice President in Council and Deputy Governor and Mr. Blunt Provisional Member of Council, Mr. G.Saunders to Officiate as Secretary in the General Department - to be noticed in the Government Gazatte. The difference of Mr. Saunders Allowances as Resident at Etawa and Calpee to be made up to him as an acting allowance. Colonel Hough to join Head Quarters on his arrival from Bombay, his Travelling allowances etc. the Secretaries in Attendance to be authorized to draw for the salaries etc. of their Establishments. On the departure of Mr. Holt Mackenzie for Europe Mr. Macnaghten to be Secretary in the Judicial and Revenue Departments. Mr. Shakespear returning to the Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut. Mr. J.Thomason to be Deputy Secretary in the United Departments and Mr. E.C.Treve

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Identifier PR_000001922867
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 14 Oct. No. 14.
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